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DHI Hair Transplant Turkey

Performed over 10,000+ Successful Hair Transplants

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a specialized variation of the FUE method. It is an innovative hair transplant technique that directly extracts and implants the hair follicles using specialized tools called ‘Choi Pens’. The DHI technique does not require creating incisions beforehand. This accelerates the process and enhances graft survival rates by reducing the time grafts spend outside the body. It is recommended to be used in areas where the hairs grow at an acute angle, such as the beard or the eyebrows.

DHI Hair Transplant Turkey

DHI Hair Transplant, is a modified version of FUE hair transplant. DHI hair transplant Turkey method is different to other hair transplant methods by the way hair follicles are extracted and implanted.

This advanced technique involves the precise extraction of hair follicles from the donor area using a micro motor, ensuring minimal damage to the follicles. These hair follicles are then meticulously transplanted into the recipient area using a pen-like device equipped with a hollow needle, called a Choi-Pen.

The uniqueness of DHI hair transplant technique lies in its ability to implant these follicles directly into the targeted area, one by one. This level of precision allows for a natural-looking hairline and overall aesthetic hair transplant results.

DHI hair transplant is renowned for its ability to reduce the time between graft extraction and implantation to a minimum. This not only preserves the vitality of the hair follicles but also accelerates the healing process. Patients can expect faster recovery and, in many cases, can resume their regular activities sooner after having a DHI hair transplant procedure.

The DHI technique has gained widespread popularity in Turkey and worldwide due to its effectiveness and impressive outcomes. It offers a solution to individuals seeking a permanent and natural-looking hair restoration option. Whether you're dealing with receding hairlines, bald spots, or thinning hair, DHI hair transplant can provide the confidence and self-esteem boost you've been looking for.

How Does DHI Hair Transplant Work?

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey is a cutting-edge procedure that can help you regain your confidence and a full head of hair. This advanced technique begins with a careful evaluation of your unique hair loss situation. Our skilled medical team begins by carefully assessing your case, identifying the most suitable donor area, which is typically the middle back of the head, and the recipient site to create a personalized plan for your procedure.

The DHI hair transplant process involves the precise extraction of hair follicles from the donor area using a micro motor. These harvested follicles are then stored in a specialized nutrient solution, maintaining their vitality and health The follicles are then meticulously implanted into the recipient site using a specialized pen-like device with a hollow needle, also called a Choi-Pen.

Our skilled medical team at Civas Hair Transplant Clinic takes pride in delivering natural and lasting results. We understand that every detail matters when it comes to your hair restoration journey. With DHI Hair Transplant, you can regain not only your hair but also your confidence, all in the beautiful backdrop of Turkey.

Understanding The Choi-Pen: Its Role And Function In DHI Hair Transplant

The Choi-Pen, short for Choi Implanter Pen, is a crucial component of the DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplant procedure. The Choi Implanter Pen was originally developed at the Kyungpook National University in Korea, where it was engineered to enhance the efficiency and success of hair transplantation. This specialized tool plays a pivotal role in the precise and intricate process of implanting hair follicles into the scalp or balding areas on the head during a DHI hair transplant at Civas Hair Transplant Clinic.

Once hair follicles have been extracted from the donor area, the Choi Implanter Pen comes into play. This remarkable instrument resembles a pen, featuring a hollow needle attached to a tube and a plunger on one end. The needle itself typically ranges in thickness from 0.5 to 1.5mm, allowing for the accurate implantation of individual hair follicles into the recipient area.

The Choi-Pen's importance lies in its precision, which results in natural-looking outcomes. This innovative tool revolutionized hair transplantation by improving efficiency and aesthetics. In the realm of DHI hair transplant, the Choi-Pen represents a commitment to excellence, offering individuals a pathway to restore their hair and confidence effectively.

The Advantages Of DHI Hair Transplant

DHI hair transplant, one of the hair transplant techniques offered at Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, stands out as a remarkable hair restoration technique with several significant advantages. One of its most appealing features is that it allows the hair transplant procedure to be performed without shaving the patient's head, making it an ideal choice for those who wish to keep their hair intact.

This modern and straightforward hair transplant procedure ensures natural-looking results, thanks to the precise implantation of hair follicles with a specialized device, like the Choi-Pen. Unlike traditional methods, DHI hair transplant eliminates the need for entry holes, preserving the integrity of the recipient area.

Another key benefit of DHI hair transplant is the prevention of implant dehydration, which promotes effective long-term hair growth. Patients often find the DHI hair transplant procedure to be nearly painless, with no need for cuts, sutures, bleeding, or scars.

At Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, we take pride in achieving up to a 95% survival rate for grafts during the surgery, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.

While DHI hair transplantation boasts numerous advantages, it's important to note that like any medical procedure, there may be certain disadvantages as well. Our expert dermatologists at Civas Hair Transplant Clinic are here to guide you through the decision-making process, ensuring that you make an informed choice that aligns with your hair transplant goals.

The Disadvantages Of The DHI Hair Transplant

While DHI hair transplant boasts several advantages, it's essential to weigh them against the potential disadvantages. One notable aspect is that the DHI hair transplant procedure typically takes longer when compared to our Modified FUE technique.

It demands precision, attention to detail, and a high level of attentiveness throughout the hair transplant surgery. Therefore, it's crucial for the operation to be performed by a specialist with in-depth knowledge and extensive experience. At Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, we have two expert dermatologists who diligently adheres to ensuring that our patients receive the best treatment possible.

Another consideration is cost, as DHI hair transplant tends to be more expensive than some other hair restoration methods. Additionally, successful DHI hair transplantation depends on the presence of non-balding areas on the patient's scalp. This limitation means that achieving higher hair density may not be feasible if the recipient area is spacious.

Furthermore, there's a maximum limit to the number of grafts that can be implanted during DHI Hair Transplant Turkey, typically capped at 2000 grafts. It's essential for patients to be aware of these limitations when considering a DHI hair transplant procedure.

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

At Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, we understand that the choice of hair transplantation technique is a critical decision influenced by various factors, including the number of grafts required, cost considerations, and recovery time. While we do offer the DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey, we often recommend the Custom Special Steel Blade FUE hair transplant technique for several compelling reasons.

One key consideration is the preservation of graft quality. In DHI hair transplantation, grafts are subjected to substantial friction during both extraction and implantation. This friction can potentially damage the grafts, compromising the success of the hair transplant procedure.

Another critical factor is the inability to adjust to the unique characteristics of each graft during DHI hair transplant procedure. The standardized size, angle, and shape of the tools used during the procedure can make it challenging to work with grafts that have different angles, shapes, or sizes. This limitation can increase the risk of graft damage during the hair transplant procedure.

Moreover, the lack of effective planning and design can be a drawback in DHI hair transplantation. Since grafts are extracted and implanted immediately without prior knowledge of the exact donor yield, there's a risk of uneven graft distribution during a DHI hair transplant. This may lead to an imbalance in hair density between different areas of the scalp, compromising the overall aesthetic result.

At Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, we prioritize personalized and effective hair restoration solutions. We carefully assess each patient's unique needs and circumstances to determine the most suitable technique, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our valued patients. It is very important to consult an experienced dermatologist before you get a DHI hair transplant procedure to ensure you are getting the appropriate treatment for your specific case.

Civas Hair Transplant
Civas Hair Team
  • Dr. Ekrem Civas
    Dr. Ekrem CivasHair Transplantation Specialist Dermatologist

    He is Board Certified in Dermatology and member of Fellows of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (FISHRS).

  • Dr. Umit Akpinar
    Dr. Umit AkpinarHair Transplantation Specialist Dermatologist

    He graduated from the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine department in 2015 with a degree as a high honor student.

When To Consider DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI Hair Transplant is a specialized technique that can offer unique advantages in specific situations. Here are some cases where DHI Hair Transplant may be particularly appropriate:

  • Hairline and Facial Hair Restoration: DHI hair transplant is recommended in areas where hair grows at specific angles, such as the eyebrow or the beard. The Choi-Pen's ability to precisely implant hair follicles at different angles makes it an excellent choice for restoring facial hair, ensuring natural and symmetrical results.
  • Minimal Shaving Required: For individuals who prefer not to shave their head entirely before the transplant, DHI hair transplant is an appealing option. Unlike some other methods that may require extensive shaving, DHI hair transplant allows for hair restoration with minimal or no shaving, making it less noticeable during the recovery phase.
  • Scar Revision: DHI hair transplant can be beneficial for revising or camouflaging scars on the scalp. Its precision in implanting individual hair follicles allows for targeted coverage of scarred areas, helping to conceal imperfections effectively.
  • Enhancing Hair Density: DHI hair transplant is suitable for those seeking to increase hair density in specific areas, especially if there are non-balding regions within the target area. The technique excels at achieving higher hair density without the need for extensive shaving.
  • Minimal Recovery Time: DHI hair transplant often involves a shorter recovery period compared to some other methods. Patients can typically return to their regular activities relatively quickly, making it a convenient choice for those with busy lifestyles.

Do's After A DHI Hair Transplant

After your DHI hair transplant Turkey, it's essential to follow a set of recommended guidelines to ensure a successful procedure and promote healthy hair growth. Here are some key 'Do's' to keep in mind:

  • Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhering to the post-operative care instructions provided by your DHI hair transplant surgeon is crucial for achieving optimal results and ensuring the long-term success of your hair transplant procedure.
  • Maintain Scalp Hygiene: Use a mild, non-alcoholic shampoo to keep your scalp clean and free from debris, fostering an ideal environment for the transplanted hair to thrive. At Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, we recommend using baby shampoo.
  • Shield Your Scalp from the Sun: Protect your scalp and new hair grafts from direct sunlight by wearing a loose hat or using scalp-friendly sunscreen. This safeguards your sensitive scalp during the healing process after your DHI hair transplant surgery.
  • Stay Hydrated for Healing: Proper hydration is essential for the body's natural healing processes, including hair transplant recovery. Ensure you drink an ample amount of water daily to support your recovery.
  • Adhere to Medication Schedule: If your surgeon prescribes medications, such as antibiotics or pain relievers, take them as directed. These medications are vital for preventing infection and managing any discomfort during your hair transplant recovery.

These recommended 'Do's' are designed to enhance your post-DHI hair transplant experience and maximize the likelihood of achieving the best possible results.

Don'ts After A DHI Hair Transplant

After undergoing a DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey, it's equally important to be aware of what to avoid during the recovery phase to ensure a successful procedure. Here are some key 'Don'ts' to keep in mind:

  • Avoid Excessive Scalp Touching: Refrain from touching, scratching, or picking at your scalp. Excessive contact with the transplanted area can damage newly implanted hair follicles and hinder their growth.
  • Say No to Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impede the healing process and circulation. It's advisable to abstain from these habits for several weeks following your DHI hair transplant.
  • Don't Rush Back to Strenuous Activities: Give your body ample time to recover by avoiding strenuous physical activities, heavy lifting, or intense workouts for at least a couple of weeks. Excessive sweating and strain can negatively impact grafts after a DHI hair transplant.
  • Avoid Tight Headwear: Steer clear of wearing tight hats, headbands, or any headgear that exerts pressure on the transplanted area. Such pressure can potentially dislodge grafts and affect the overall outcome of your hair transplant.
  • Skip Swimming Pools and Saunas: For a certain period after your DHI hair transplant, refrain from swimming in pools or using saunas. Typically, you can resume these activities after your surgeon provides clearance, which is usually a few weeks post-surgery.
  • Steer Clear of Hair Styling Products: Avoid the use of hair styling products like gels, hair sprays, or harsh chemicals on your scalp for a specified duration. These products can irritate the scalp and hinder the healing process.

Adhering to these 'Don'ts' is crucial for a successful recovery and achieving the best possible results from your DHI hair transplant. Awareness of these precautions can contribute significantly to the overall success of the procedure.

DHI vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Clarifying The Differences

When it comes to hair transplantation, the choices can often seem overwhelming. DHI hair transplant and FUE hair transplant are frequently compared, leaving patients with questions about which approach best suits their needs.

DHI, or Direct Hair Implantation, is a specialized method known for its precision. It involves the careful extraction of hair follicles from the donor area using a micro motor, minimizing the risk of follicle damage. What sets DHI hair transplant apart is the use of a pen-like device, a Choi-Pen, with a hollow needle for implantation. This allows for the precise placement of each follicle directly into the recipient site, resulting in a natural and aesthetically pleasing hairline.

Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant, on the other hand, stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. While it also offers effective hair restoration, it employs a different approach. During FUE hair transplant, hair follicles are individually extracted using a punch tool, and they are then implanted into the recipient area. The Choi-Pen, a hallmark of DHI hair transplant, is not used in FUE hair transplant procedures.

Patients frequently ask whether a Choi-pen is used during FUE hair transplant procedures or if the DHI implanter is employed in FUE hair transplant. To provide clarity, during our FUE hair transplant procedures, we do not utilize a Choi-Pen. The Choi-Pen is exclusively employed during DHI hair transplants, setting it apart as a specialized technique.

When considering hair transplant options in Turkey, understanding the nuances between DHI hair transplant and FUE hair transplant is essential. Each method offers its own set of advantages and considerations, and at Civas Hair Transplant Clinic, our team is dedicated to guiding you towards the most suitable choice for your needs.

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