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Hair Loss Treatments in Men

Performed over 10,000+ Successful Hair Transplants

The main cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. It is a very common condition in men that can be caused by genetic or hormonal factors. Hair loss in men results in gradual thinning and receding hairlines. It can be passed down from the maternal or paternal side of the family. While treatment can slow down hair loss, results can vary based on factors such as genetics, method of treatment, stage of hair loss, etc.

Male Hair Loss

Hair loss in men, a concern of majority of men, necessitates a comprehensive understanding. At Civas Hair Transplant, we're committed to addressing the multifaceted challenges of male hair loss. In this extensive guide, we explore the various aspects of hair loss in men, from its underlying causes to available solutions such as hair transplant.

What are the causes of Hair Loss in Men?

The primary instigator of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, colloquially known as male pattern baldness. This condition, often driven by genetic or hormonal factors, is remarkably common. Male pattern baldness typically results in the gradual thinning of hair and the receding of hairlines. This condition may be inherited from either the maternal or paternal side of the family. While various treatments can help slow down hair loss, the effectiveness can vary based on factors like genetics, treatment method, and the stage of hair loss.

What is the cause of my hair loss?

In men, the most pervasive cause of hair loss is hereditary androgenetic alopecia, often referred to as "male pattern hair loss." This genetic susceptibility, influenced by dihydrotestosterone (DHT),can be inherited from both the maternal and paternal sides. DHT initiates an inflammatory process, which, when combined with the shortening of the hair during the anagen phase, leads to hair thinning and weakening. Over time, this process culminates in hair loss, often commencing during puberty.

How to treat Hair Loss in Men?

Diagnosing hair loss in men is relatively straightforward, thanks to the densitometer. Dermatoscopic examinations offer precise insights into the presence of hair miniaturization. However, certain cases of hair loss in men can be attributed to underlying diseases or medication use, requiring comprehensive diagnostic tests to pinpoint the primary cause.

Treatments of Hair Loss in Men

Various treatment methods are available for managing hair loss in men, including:

  1. M*inoxidil for hair loss in men: Topical solutions like Rogaine, applied to the scalp twice a day, can slow down hair loss.
  2. Finasteride for hair loss in men: Propecia, an oral medication taken daily, is effective in preventing male pattern hair loss.
  3. Low-Level Laser Therapy for hair loss in men: This non-invasive treatment stimulates hair growth by enhancing blood circulation around the hair follicles, often employing devices like laser combs and helmets. Please check the details for low-level laser therapy at Civas Hair Transplant: Hair Loss Laser Therapy Turkey
  4. Hair Transplant options for hair loss in men: Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting permanent hair from the back of the head to areas affected by hair loss, effectively countering the effects of DHT.

Check the hair transplant options for you with Civas: Hair Transplant Turkey

How to prevent Hair Loss in Men?

Preventing hair loss in men is achievable through FDA-approved methods such as:

  • Laser Hair Growth Treatment for hair loss in men: This technique exposes the scalp to low-level laser energy, often utilizing equipment like laser combs and helmets to stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation around the follicles. Here you can see the Low-level laser therapy options: Hair Loss Laser Therapy Turkey
  • Medical Treatments for hair loss in men: FDA-approved medications like m*inoxidil (a topical foam or spray applied to the scalp twice a day) and finasteride (an oral pill) can effectively combat male pattern hair loss.

What are the Causes of Male Hair Loss?

A significant percentage of men encounter hair loss at some point in their lives. Surprisingly, research suggests that 4 out of 7 men carry the baldness gene. Baldness can manifest at varying ages, with many men experiencing it around 35 years old. However, instances of early hair loss, even in one's twenties, are becoming increasingly prevalent. As hair transplantation gains popularity, men seek effective solutions to prevent hair loss.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

The main cause of Hair Loss in Men: Androgenic Alopecia: Unraveling the Role of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Androgenic alopecia, a pattern of hair thinning in men, results in receding hairlines and a thinning crown, eventually forming a horseshoe-shaped pattern at the back and sides of the head. This condition is predominantly caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT),which also affects prostate health.

DHT acts upon genetically vulnerable hair follicles, causing them to shorten, miniaturize, and ultimately disappear. Hair becomes progressively thinner in specific areas until it ceases to grow entirely. Notably, hair at the back of the head is less susceptible to DHT and is considered permanent hair.

During hair transplantation, these permanent hair follicles are transplanted to areas affected by alopecia, as they retain their resistance to DHT. Medications like (M*inoxidil and F*inasteride) can be administered to reverse the process of miniaturization.

Effect of Physical and Emotional Stress in hair loss in men

Physical stress on hair strands, such as tightly braided or ponytailed hairstyles, contributes to hair loss in men. Excessive styling, utilizing high heat or harsh chemicals, weakens hair strands, making them susceptible to breakage. Some individuals unknowingly engage in hair-pulling habits, referred to as trichotillomania, which results in excessive hair loss.

Chemotherapy, a treatment targeting rapidly dividing cells, affects the growth phase of hair, leading to hair loss. Radiotherapy to the scalp can induce trauma, causing hair loss. Stressful experiences like accidents, severe illnesses, surgeries, and poisonings can trigger temporary hair loss known as telogen effluvium, characterized by extensive shedding and hair thinning. Emotionally distressing periods, such as the loss of a loved one or relationship upheavals, can also contribute to hair loss.

Effects of Medication in hair loss in men

Certain medications that disrupt the natural hormonal balance can cause either permanent or temporary hair loss. Examples of such medications include anabolic steroids and drugs prescribed for conditions like high blood pressure, acne, diabetes, blood clot prevention, depression, heart disease, high cholesterol, and fungal infections.

Seasonal Hair Loss in men

Seasonal hair loss is a natural occurrence that corresponds with changes in weather, as the skin adapts to new environmental conditions.

Effects of Immune System Diseases and Hypothyroidism in hair loss in men

Hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by the underproduction of thyroid hormones due to birth abnormalities or thyroid gland removal, can result in patchy hair loss known as alopecia areata. Autoimmune diseases, where the immune system erroneously attacks healthy body tissues, can also lead to hair loss. These conditions include diabetes and arthritis. Cicatricial alopecia is hair loss induced by the immune system targeting hair follicles, leaving permanent hair loss scars.

Poor Nutrition effects the hair loss in men

Hair primarily consists of keratin, a protein. Poor nutrition, marked by deficiencies in nutrients like protein, iron, vitamin B, zinc, and biotin, can cause hair loss in men. Conversely, excessive vitamin A intake can also lead to hair loss in men.

Infections effects the hair loss in men

Common fungal infections of the scalp, such as ringworm (tinea capitis), resulting from poor hygiene, can induce hair loss and scarring in men. Other infections that contribute to hair loss include secondary syphilis, dissecting cellulitis, and folliculitis. In individuals with oilier scalps, a microscopic mite known as Demodex folliculorum can thrive, feeding on sebum and depriving hair of essential nutrients, ultimately causing hair thinning and hair loss in men.

Effect of Unhealthy Lifestyle in hair loss in men

Inadequate sleep, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can adversely affect hair growth and cause hair loss in men. Carbon monoxide from smoking hampers oxygen circulation to hair follicles, while excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration.

Hair transplant for hair loss in men Turkey

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss? Clinics in Turkey offers men a chance to regain a full head of hair and confidence. Our simple and effective hair transplant procedures are designed to address male-pattern baldness, giving you a natural and lasting solution.

Why Choose Hair Transplant in Turkey?

  • Expertise: Skilled professionals have a wealth of experience in successful hair transplant procedures.
  • Cost-Effective hair transplant: Turkey is renowned for offering high-quality medical services at competitive prices.
  • Beautiful Locations: Enjoy the picturesque surroundings of Turkey while undergoing your hair transplant journey.

The Civas Hair Transplant Experience for hair loss in men

  • Consultation: Begin with a consultation to discuss your specific hair loss concerns and goals. Tailored Treatment
  • Plan: Our experts create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and expectations.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedure: Experience a comfortable and minimally invasive transplant procedure under local anesthesia.
  • Natural Results: Walk away with natural-looking results that seamlessly blend with your existing hair.

Civas Hair Transplant in Turkey is your partner in overcoming hair loss. With our expertise, personalized care, and affordable solutions, you can rediscover your confidence and achieve a fuller head of hair. Say goodbye to hair loss and hello to a renewed sense of self.

Schedule a consultation with Civas Hair Transplant today to embark on your journey to hair restoration in the beautiful and welcoming setting of Turkey. Please contact us. ▶

What are the prices of hair transplant in Turkey?

Hair transplant options and prices may change because of diffirent factors. Civas Hair Transplant aims to offer the best service with affordable price range. Please check the prices. Hair Transplant Turkey Prices. ▶

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